Dispelling Common Myths About Cast Iron Cookware

Myth: Do you need to season the new Krucible Kitchen cast iron pan?

Fact: The good news is that Krucible Kitchen pre-seasons their cookware for you. We season the Cast iron Cookware with Vegetable oil and we apply oil before packing to avoid rust, so they may be stored for a longer period.


Myth: Is it true that using soap to clean cast iron cookware is a no-go?

Fact: While soap isn't essential, you can indeed use mild dish soap to clean cast iron. The seasoning on Krucible Kitchen cast iron is quite robust and can tolerate a small amount of soap, water, and a thorough scrub with a brush.


Myth: Is it commonly believed that if cast iron cookware rusts, it's beyond repair?

Fact: It's a widespread misconception. Rust can occur, but it's easily removable by scrubbing the affected area with steel wool and following straightforward steps to re-season your cast iron pan. To prevent rust from reappearing, ensure prompt drying after each use and a light application of cooking oil.


Myth: Is it a common belief that metal utensils should not be used with cast iron cookware?

Fact: Cast iron is exceptionally durable, allowing for the use of any utensil, whether it's made of silicone, wood, or even metal, without causing harm to the cookware.


Myth: Can cast iron cookware be used on glass-top stoves?

Fact: Cast Iron cookware is safe for use on various heat sources, including glass-top stoves. However, it should be handled with care on the stovetop — avoid sliding it as it may scratch the glass and always remove it from the stovetop after cooking.


Myth: Is cast iron cookware considered unbreakable?

Fact: Cast iron is incredibly durable, but it's not impervious to damage. It's important to treat it with care, as Cast Iron is Brittle and it can break before it bends, just like any other piece of cookware.


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